Register. shadowrocket节点购买 Recover!

Keep your bikes safe in the 529 Garage
the largest community-powered bike recovery service.

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Let our community know, and have hundreds of eyes on the look out for your bike.
Report a Theft

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Check to see if it's been reported stolen with us or any of our partners.
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Shield your bike

The 529 Shield's unique ID makes it easy to contact you if your bike is recovered.
Get A Shield

Smarter Bike Services

Cities, law enforcement, schools, property managers and clubs: We're the dashboard for your communities' bikes.
Find Out More

What is the 529 Garage?

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Register your bike

Quickly capture all the important information about your bike from your computer or your smartphone. It's free!

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Our tamper resistant 529 Shield acts as a deterrant, warning would-be thieves to keep their paws off your bike, and making it easier to find you if your bike is recovered.

Start your alert

Make the most of the 529 community to find your stolen bike. Our community includes over 400 law enforcement agencies, universities, bike clubs and bike shops around the world, as well as 529 users like you.

Get community help

Thousands of bikes are recovered by law enforcement and the community. If your bike is registered, it's easy to get back to you!

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Be sure to search our registry to make sure that a bike you are considering buying wasn't reported stolen. And, if you find a bike, or see something suspicious, post it with us to help get it back to it's owner.

Register Your Bike for Free


529 in the Press

Our Story

In 2013, we set out to create a sustainable program that helps reduce bike theft, promote cycling, and make cities and campuses more bike friendly. The result is the 529 Garage.

Over the last 2 decades, bike theft in North America has grown to epidemic proportions - affecting about 2 million riders each year. Beyond the half-billion dollar cycling black market, many stolen bikes are involved in secondary crimes - serving as a modern “getaway vehicle” for criminals.

Our strategy is simple - galvanize riders, shops, police, schools and cities with a common set of tools that allow communities to become better organized than the criminals. Cities that we have joined forces with have seen meaningful, double-digit results in the first two years.

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